“He Manawa Whenua, He Oranga Tangata
Healthy Environment, Healthy People”
Welcome to Hauiti Pages first publication in our blog series Te Kāhui, highlighting the faces behind the different services provided at Te Aitanga a Hauiti Centre of Excellence. First up: Uawanui Sustainability Project. Meet Alison Waru, Davina Walker and Bill Rangiwai who all work hard to secure the future of our natural environment and biodiversity in Uawanui-a-Ruamatua.
Alison Waru|
Project co-ordinator
What has been a highlight for you so far in your job?
Being able to encourage and support our iwi and community in the revitalisation of our water ways through riparian planting, weed and pest control as well as the successful and practical hands on learning of the Uawanui Sustainability classes as part of the localised curriculum for Tolaga Bay Area School & Kahukuranui.
What project coming up are you most excited for?
Since becoming involved with Uawanui as Project Co-ordinator, I am excited everyday. If I had to pin point one thing, it would be the Uawanui Cadetship which involves employing and mentoring two students from Tolaga Bay Area School & Kahukuranui every year to work for 7-8 weeks over the Christmas/New Year as part of Uawanui under the umbrella of Te Aitanga a Hauiti Centre of Excellence.
To see the confidence build in these students is priceless, and makes me appreciate the position I hold within Uawanui in being able to support them in their future aspirations.
Davina walker|
Davina’s work-load varies and includes:
Weed and pest control,
Plant maintenance (36,000 plants),
Communications with iwi, community and school,
Ensuring Health and Safety,
Presenting and promoting Uawanui at local, regional and national levels,
Upholding the integrity of Uawanui at all times.
BILL rangiwai|
Bill Rangiwai is an Uawanui cadet and Year 12 at Tolaga Bay Area School. His work includes:
Re-baiting and maintaining all Uawanui pest traps located around Kaitawa Estuary and sandspit,
Weed and pest control,
Adhering to Health and Safety,
Presenting and promoting Uawanui at local, regional and national levels,
Upholding the integrity of Uawanui at all times.
For more information on Uawanui and our projects please contact alison.w@hauiticoe.org.nz